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Professional Development

Why your company needs to be trauma-informed

Why your company needs to be trauma-informed – 11 business benefits you cannot ignore By Esther van der Sande I met Matthew, a senior company executive, at a conference. When he asked what I do, I said I help organizations to develop a trauma-informed workplace culture. His expression was quizzical, so I explained that [...]

The Path to Understanding Dissociation

Dissociation is a nuanced interplay not confined to the mind—it extends to the body's reactions. Emotional turmoil can trigger physical sensations like unexplained pain, numbness, and detachment. This complex relationship between emotions and the body unravels the mysteries of dissociation, enhancing our understanding of its profound impact. Integrative practices, such as mindfulness and yoga, bridge the gap between the two realms, offering a holistic path to healing and unity. Embracing the mind-body bond, we embark on a transformative journey towards self-discovery.

TCTSY for Professionals: Helping Trauma Survivors Reconnect with Their Bodies

Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) is an evidence-based yoga program designed for trauma survivors. The 20-hour TCTSY training teaches mental health professionals and yoga teachers how to create a safe, non-judgmental, and empowering space for trauma survivors to practice yoga. TCTSY emphasizes invitational language, choice-making, interoception, empowerment, and trauma-informed modifications.

Boek nu jouw training en ontvang 20% korting

Goedemorgen, Met genoegen kondigen we dit opwindende nieuwe live en online programma aan dat in januari van start gaat en dat is ontworpen om bewustzijn en begrip te brengen voor complexe traumagerelateerde dissociatie. Deze interactieve eendaagse training bouwt voort op ons 20 uur durende trauma-sensitieve yoga basisprogramma en biedt een klinisch kader dat het [...]

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