This is to say that it has been an absolute privilege and pleasure to be able to introduce to my colleagues and friends of the Blue Mountains Katoomba Mental Health Professional Network to Esther van der Sande.

To a full house Esther van der Sande a Psychotherapist formerly from Sydney NSW Australia, presented to us the subtleties and benefits of Trauma Informed Yoga and the range of clients this may be beneficial to.

The enthusiasm with which this was received by those attending was such that in the same month we were able to offer and run a weekend workshop on the modality, attended by local health professionals.

Australia’s loss is the Netherland’s gain.–

Elisabeth van der Veer , Awareness Awakening Leura - Blue Mountains

Thanks again for an absolutely amazing weekend” Idit Hefer-Tamir founder of Sukha Mukha Yoga and the Director of Sukha Mukha Yoga teacher training  – Sydney 2016

Idit Hefer-Tamir , Founder of Sukha Mukha Yoga

“I am grateful and thank you for facilitating such an informative workshop recently up here in the Blue Mountains. Trauma Sensitive Yoga – I believe is an approach that should be considered / delivered by all yoga teachers in all yoga classes.  Many people have suffered / suffer from traumatic experiences during their lifetime, some share their story and some don’t. I found the content very interesting – a well balanced course which allowed the attendees the opportunity to practice yoga techniques and be a part of in-depth discussion / obtain helpful course notes.  The weekend was a great opportunity to meet some lovely and interesting people. I highly recommend this course and look forward to putting your teachings into practice”.

With thanks,
Karen Fullbrook – Yoga Teacher / Crystal Sound Therapist
Blue Mountains / Australia 2017

Karen Fullbrook - Yoga Teacher, Crystal Sound Therapist

“With yoga, I reclaimed my body. That is a gift because I so hated my body. Or I claimed it, not reclaimed, because I was so young. I claimed it. It was a long process to consider myself not an outline…. I think yoga helped define me. Just inhabiting my own skin is a major step forward.” – Participant in TCTSY Study, funded by the National Institutes of Health

Participant in TCTSY Study

“Vanaf het eerste moment dat ik Esther ontmoette voelde ik me welkom. De spanning die ik voelde om dit te gaan doen, viel gelijk van me af. Ze is vriendelijk, open, direkt, en respectvol. De yogalessen bieden een grote mate van vrijheid en ruimte en Esther benadrukt telkens weer hoe belangrijk het is om je eigen grenzen goed in de gaten te houden. Yoga gaat niet over presteren, maar om respecteren, om in contact te komen met je lichaam en om in het hier en nu te kunnen zijn. Ze nodigt je telkens uit om de oefeningen op jouw manier te doen. Esther weet een setting te creëren waarin je, ondanks lichamelijke inspanning, toch tot ontspanning kunt komen. Tijdens haar lessen merkte ik dat ik meer open kwam en dat ik daardoor meer in contact kon komen met mezelf, dit heeft mij erg geholpen”

Jetty, NL , TSY Student

“I am a psychologist, psychosexologist, educational psychologist, yoga instructor and within my psychotherapy training (so I have completed many different trainings and courses within my life and career). And the TCTSY Foundational training was probably one of the best training I have ever completed. It was full of theoretical knowledge but also practical insights and exercises I can incorporate in my work straight away. I have truly appreciated the accepting and inclusive environment Esther created and I feel inspired to work with TCTSY values in my work. I would recommend this training basically to anyone working with people – even if you’re not a yoga instructor or mental health practitioner but a nurse or school teacher – I believe you would benefit from the knowledge and skills Esther shared in the training.

I am really grateful and inspired for having an opportunity to participate in such a course”.

Thank you!

Weronika, Poland Online training January 2024

Weronika, Poland , TCTSY Foundational Training

“I am incredibly glad I attended this training. It has made very clear to me the emphases of what TCTSY is about and has given me concrete tools to work with in my practice. I also find the fact that it is applicable in daily life (even though you would not be coaching people) a real added value. It is in my eyes a philosophy of life, more than a stand-alone way of yoga.” May 2024

Silvie Rossel , Belgium