+ 31 (0) 6 11 48 50 57

Email addresses:
General: info@traumasensitiveyoganederland.com
In-company training: esther@traumasensitiveyoganederland.com
Direct contact: esther@traumasensitiveyoganederland.com
For information about the Trauma-Sensitive Yoga online sessions you are welcome to connect with: support@traumasensitiveyoganederland.com

Bank account details:
IBAN: NL 98 INGB 0718 0110 74
Chamber of Commerce – in the Netherlands: 87924137
Vat: number: NL 864449744B01
Attn: Beside Consulting B.V. – Esther van der Sande

If you wish to make a donation please mention “DONATION/TSY” in the description.
For donations to support our Diversity & Inclusion Program

Attn: Beside Consulting B.V.
IBAN: NL 98 INGB 0718 0110 74

You are welcome to contact us if you have any questions about our services and training sessions/workshops. Please send your e-mail in either Dutch or English. We do our best to answer your e-mail within 2 working days.

    Your Profession (required)
    Mental Health WorkerYoga TeacherOther

    Thank you, we are looking forward to connecting with you.

    Esther & Team Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Nederland