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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD in Women Veterans who Experienced Military Sexual Trauma

Trauma-Sensitive Yoga for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Women Veterans who Experienced Military Sexual Trauma: Interim Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial. by Ursula Kelly, Terry Haywood, Eliza Segell & Melinda Higgins. Published Online:31 Mar 2021https://doi.org/10.1089/acm.2020.0417 ⁠ In a study published this month in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Ursula Kelly, Terri Haywood, [...]

Trauma-Sensitive Yoga LIVE ONLINE Lessons May ’22

TCTSY applies choice and body-centred self-awareness to support a recovery process, a gentle intervention that initiates healing through people regaining a relationship with the present moment and their body. The language used throughout a yoga session is invitational and encourages curiosity to explore what one might feel in different parts of their body based on the form they are choosing to take. Over time participants begin to experience the effects of taking positive action and making choices.

By |2021-12-09T18:23:19+01:00December 9th, 2021||0 Comments

Trauma-Sensitive Yoga LIVE ONLINE Lessons November

TCTSY applies choice and body-centred self-awareness to support a recovery process, a gentle intervention that initiates healing through people regaining a relationship with the present moment and their body. The language used throughout a yoga session is invitational and encourages curiosity to explore what one might feel in different parts of their body based on the form they are choosing to take. Over time participants begin to experience the effects of taking positive action and making choices.

By |2021-11-05T20:27:13+01:00April 13th, 2021||0 Comments

Yoga for posttraumatic stress disorder – review

Yoga is increasingly used as a therapeutic treatment and seems to improve psychiatric conditions such as anxiety disorders and depression. The aim of this systematic review was to assess the evidence of yoga for reducing symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). To read more please click the link: Meta-Analysis of yoga for PTSD

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