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Trauma Sensitive Yoga

PTSD – The Definition of a Traumatic Event and How to Recognize the Signs

People often use the word "traumatic" in a general sense when they are describing very stressful life events. For example, the American Psychological Association (APA) defines "trauma" as a person's emotional response to an extremely negative (disturbing) event. However, mental health professionals define traumatic events in very specific ways. The guidelines they use have changed [...]

How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime

How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime Curing Illness by Focusing on Trauma Childhood trauma isn’t something you just get over as you grow up. The pervasive trauma of adverse childhood experiences are experienced by two thirds of the US population and are a direct cause of negative health outcomes. Paediatrician, Nadine Burke Harris, [...]

The impact of yoga in the process of trauma recovery

International Day of Yoga Krama Yoga Cambodia is an NGO offering yoga classes to disadvantaged youth and female victims of trafficking in order to build their confidence and to help them recover from the effects of trauma Students attend a class at Krama Yoga in Phnom Penh Photo: Krama Yoga Cambodia In a quiet and [...]

Trauma Sensitive Yoga 20-hr Foundational workshop

A heartfelt thank you, to everyone who attended the first Trauma Sensitive Yoga Workshop in the Netherlands.   Testimonials: Hallo Esther, Wat ben je een inspirerende vrouw met zoveel kennis. Ik voelde me meteen veilig door je warmte en rust die je uitstraalt. Het weekend was geweldig maar ook confronterend voor mij als persoon. De groep [...]

Yoga is not just bending the body

Patanjali's regimen, at times, corresponds to the idea of 'self-actualisation" in psychotherapy India’s ancient tradition Yoga has become a multimillion-dollar industry in the past few decades and taking a path of its own, under many different names, brands, meanings; it’s hard not to feel some resentment towards the trends that take yoga out of its [...]

Healing Life’s Traumas with Yoga

New studies show that people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder can find real relief with yoga. When Sara talks about the benefits of practicing yoga, the 56-year-old from Boston uses the same terms as other yogis: being grounded and present, gaining an awareness of her body and its strength, feeling calm and in control of [...]

Trauma-Sensitive Yoga

Trauma Sensitive Yoga Classes It's no secret that yoga does wonders for the body and can calm the mind. And research continues to point to its power to help ameliorate various ailments such as hypertension, pain, and insomnia. Now, there's growing evidence that modified yoga, when taught by specially trained individuals and employed [...]

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