Welcome to Trauma-Sensitive Yoga |MOVEMENT FOR EVERYBODY


Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Foundational Training (20-Hour)

TCTSY is an adjunctive treatment for complex trauma and complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), developed in collaboration with the Center for Trauma and Embodiment in Brookline, Massachusetts, since 2003 and as part of the Justice Resource Institute (JRI) since 2006. TCTSY is utilized with children, youth, and adults throughout the United States and in dozens of countries around the world.

By |2022-05-11T09:03:19+02:00November 1st, 2021||0 Comments

Trauma Sensitive Yoga Workshop 20uur Basis Training – Haarlem Juni 2019 “this workshop is Sold Out”

This Trauma Sensitive Yoga Workshop for June is fully booked. Please contact Esther at esther@traumasensitiveyoganederland.com to add your name on the waiting list, or inquire for our next workshop in October 2019.   Warm wishes, Esther  De basisworkshop Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga van 20 uur voor yogadocenten, gezondsheidsdeskundigen & GGZ-hulpverleners in Juni 2019 in Haarlem. [...]

By |2019-08-29T12:45:52+02:00September 22nd, 2018|0 Comments
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