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Mental Health

Adverse Childhood Experience

This video highlights that community education on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) will result in more help and support for families. Our video character states that – “even if it is not enough” – support can radically change outcomes for children growing up with ACEs.   https://vimeo.com/189604325 What are ACEs? ACEs are adverse childhood experiences that [...]

Never Give Up: A Video by Youth for Youth

This gripping film features a highly diverse cast of seven adolescents and young adults who examine the shared and unique challenges faced, mistakes made, and growth attained in the struggle to transcend legacies of developmental trauma. Unexpectedly insightful, unsentimentally poignant and always real, Never Give Up is an offering of collective wisdom, inspiration and hope [...]

Signs of Mental Illness

If you’re unsure whether you, or someone you know is suffering from mental illness, please review the signs and symptoms below. Some are a common occurrence in people’s lives from time to time, however if they are occurring more frequently than before, or if they all seem to be happening at the same time, then [...]

By |2017-10-11T07:11:34+02:00August 30th, 2017|Mental Health|0 Comments

The kids are all right… right?

By: Carly Brand The adult anxiety disorders suffered by children of divorce One in three Australian marriages end in divorce and the mental impact on children can last into adulthood Jess pauses, stricken. Her breath shallow, her heart racing. The walls seem to be closing in and she counts down to 10 until the feeling passes. Like many children from broken [...]

Exercise, meditation to help combat depression

Please click on the picture to watch a sort video, on how exercise, meditation to help combat depression. As we know depression affects people of all ages from all walks of life. But researchers have now come up with what looks like a winning combination to handle it without drugs or a doctor. Discovering that [...]

The Positive Health Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation

  The Neuroscience of Mindfulness Meditation The strongest scientific evidence to date that meditation has positive health benefits comes from two meta-analyses (analyses of data pooled from multiple studies) of meditation research. The first meta-analysis of 47 trials with 3,515 participants found that people participating in mindfulness meditation programs experienced less anxiety, depression, and pain. The second meta-analysis of [...]

EMDR a powerful treatment for people who have experienced traumatic events in their lives.

What Is EMDR? Many clients, including the public and colleagues are asking me questions about EMDR treatment for complex trauma and PTSD. I thought I would take the opportunity this week to answer a few of the questions asked. EMDR has proven to be a powerful treatment for people who have experienced traumatic events in [...]

Can Trauma be Passed on through our DNA?

Learning to release trauma before we pass it on to the next generation PTSD is a whole-body tragedy, an integral human event of enormous proportions with massive repercussions. ― Susan Pease Banitt Intergenerational Trauma is the idea that serious trauma can affect the children and grandchildren of those who had the first hand experience, due [...]

The link between chronic pain and depression: which comes first?

There is a clear link between pain and depression, but does pain make us depressed, or does depression cause pain? It’s easy to imagine that people with persistent pain have cause to become depressed. After all, it’s a problem that affects every part of life, not just the bit that got injured. But like so [...]

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