Welcome to Trauma-Sensitive Yoga |MOVEMENT FOR EVERYBODY

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Bridging Body and Mind…

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is defined by the experience of a traumatic event followed by the development of four clusters of symptoms, including intrusive symptoms (e.g., memories, nightmares, dissociation), avoidance symptoms (e.g., avoidance of memories or cues that are reminders of the traumatic experience), negative alterations in mood or cognition, and increased arousal or reactivity. [...]

Claiming Peaceful Embodiment Through Yoga in the Aftermath of Trauma

Claiming Peaceful Embodiment Through Yoga in the Aftermath of Trauma. Please follow the link below to read the full article. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of practicing yoga and its role within processes of healing for adult women with complex trauma histories. Using a hermeneutic phenomenological method, data were [...]

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