Trauma-Sensitive Yoga LIVE ONLINE Lessons May ’22

TCTSY applies choice and body-centred self-awareness to support a recovery process, a gentle intervention that initiates healing through people regaining a relationship with the present moment and their body. The language used throughout a yoga session is invitational and encourages curiosity to explore what one might feel in different parts of their body based on the form they are choosing to take. Over time participants begin to experience the effects of taking positive action and making choices.


Trauma-Sensitive Yoga LIVE ONLINE Lessons May ’22

TCTSY ONLINE , Netherlands

Trauma-Sensitive Yoga provides a safe place where people can begin to connect with their bodies, and their breath, in relation to the trauma. Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) is an effective adjunctive, and complementary treatment for those suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), complex or developmental trauma. This technique was developed by David Emerson at the Justice of Resource Institute (JRI) in Boston, MA.


Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Foundational Training (20-Hour)

Delight Yoga Amsterdam Prinseneiland (Haarlemmerplein), Netherlands

TCTSY is an adjunctive treatment for complex trauma and complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), developed in collaboration with the Center for Trauma and Embodiment in Brookline, Massachusetts, since 2003 and as part of the Justice Resource Institute (JRI) since 2006. TCTSY is utilized with children, youth, and adults throughout the United States and in dozens of countries around the world.

Trauma-Sensitive Yoga LIVE ONLINE Lessons June ’22

ZOOM ONLINE , Netherlands

TCTSY applies choice and body-centered self-awareness to support a recovery process, a gentle intervention that initiates healing through people regaining a relationship with the present moment and their body. The language used throughout a yoga session is invitational and encourages curiosity to explore what one might feel in different parts of their body based on the form they are choosing to take. Over time participants begin to experience the effects of taking positive action and making choices.


Trauma Education September ’22 (in het Nederlands)

ZOOM ONLINE , Netherlands

Trauma Education Workshop  “Grenzen” Welkom bij de Trauma-Sensitieve Yoga Nederland’s Trauma Educatie ! We heten je van harte welkom in een online ruimte waar we samen kunnen komen, kunnen leren over verschillende onderwerpen die te maken hebben met de effecten van trauma, en, als je je comfortabel voelt, kunt delen over je eigen ervaring [...]
