Applied Somatic Counselling Skills for Yoga Therapist
11/Apr/2022 - 15/Apr/2022
Applied somatic counselling skills for yoga therapists
The Applied Somatic Counselling Skills module is an important part of the Yoga Therapy Diplomas 550 and 850 hours, where you will learn some of the applied counselling skills that you will need for your work as a yoga therapist.
Esther van der Sande will guide you to bring direct attention to internal sensations and how to master skills such as self-regulation in the process of healing from a variety of both physiological and psychological wounds.
Applied Somatic Counselling Skills is an appropriate module even for individuals who may not have experienced a specific trauma, from a Yoga Therapy bottom-up approach.
A module for yoga therapists, psychologists, educators, coaches, and psychotherapists
As a yoga therapist, you have already been trained to tailor the practice to the person, and while the aim is to help people regain or maintain health through movement and breathing, we know there’s always a psychological component to the healing process too.
As a psychologist or psychotherapist, you are taught a specific way to engage a client via talk therapy from a top-down approach, and how to “address” issues with your client.
In this Applied Somatic Counselling Skills module, you will learn about identifying the source challenge and how to apply invitational language when working with the physical body and getting to the core trauma.
This unique approach will help you gain more confidence in your work and facilitate your client’s healing journey in a safe manner.
The Program
What you’ll learn during this online course.
- What is applied somatic counselling skills in Yoga Therapy?
- The importance of self-awareness during the process
- How attitudes and values can affect the partnership
- Building a relationship of trust in physical work
- Creating a safe place for change
- The value of listening, silence and holding
- Accurate empathy and the relevant response
- Using language and metaphors effectively
- Turning theory into practice, and practising skills
The course is led by Esther van der Sande a professional somatic psychotherapist, and trauma-sensitive yoga teacher, trainer & supervisor at Trauma Sensitive Yoga Nederland.
All of these skills are brought to bear in the workshop, giving students an incredibly well informed, and thorough grounding in The Applied Somatic Counselling module.
The Applied Somatic Counselling Skills module for Yoga Therapists is a great opportunity to increase your skills, help your clients even more, and also build some space for self-awareness, and reflection.
Dates 2022
11th – 15th April 2022
31st October – 4th November 2022
Your investment
600 euros excl. 9% VAT * 2022 price
*European registered companies are excluded from VAT charges
Please contact us to find out more at kaz@theyogatherapyinstitute.org or to reserve your space.
If you are already a student at the Yoga Therapy Institute or would like to attend The Applied Somatic Counselling Skills module for Yoga Therapists please contact kaz@theyogatherapyinstitute.org to reserve your space.