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January Training Fully Booked

Thank you for your interest in our Trauma-Sensitive Yoga training. We are delighted to share that the January training is now fully booked.

Our next online English training will take place in June, and you are warmly invited to sign up for it. If you would like to join the waitinglist, please feel free to email Esther at esther@traumasensitiveyoganederland.com

We look forward to welcoming you to one of our trainings in the near future.

Warm regards,
Team Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Nederland

Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Training: Two-Day Foundational Course

For Yoga Teachers, Mental Health Professionals, Coaches, GGZ, Social Workers, & Educators

Dates: 30th and 31st January 2025
Platform: Online via ZOOM

This two-day Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Training will introduce participants to the core concepts and applications of David Emerson’s and Bessel van der Kolk’s highly regarded intervention for complex trauma.

About Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Training

Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) is an adjunctive treatment for complex trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Developed in collaboration with the Center for Trauma and Embodiment in Brookline, Massachusetts, in 2003 and as part of the Justice Resource Institute (JRI) in 2006, TCTSY is utilized with children, youth, and adults worldwide.

Our goal is to equip yoga teachers, health coaches, mental health practitioners, and educators with the skills to support their clients through trauma. By doing so, we aim to help as many individuals as possible on their healing journeys.

Training Outcomes

Upon completion of this two-day Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Training, you will have a thorough understanding of the core concepts of TCTSY. You will learn techniques to immediately implement in your practice, aiding your clients in improving their mental and physical well-being.

Program Outline

Day 1:

History and Development of Complex Trauma
Neurophysiology of Stress and Trauma
Interpersonal Neurobiology
Attachment, Attunement, and Reciprocity
The Spectrum of Trauma

Day 2:

Safety & Stabilization
Processing Traumatic Memories
Consolidation, Integration & Reconnection
Power and Oppression
Trauma-Centre Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY)
Interoception, Choice, Agency, and Relational Safety
Teaching Practice
Responsible and Ethical Practice
Trauma-Informed vs. Trauma-Sensitive
Group brainstorming/discussions
Clinical examples and more…

Training Times

Thursday, 30th January: 9:30 am to 5:30 pm CET

Friday, 31st January: 9:30 am to 5:30 pm CET


€380,00 (excl. VAT)

Course Details

  • 16 hours of online contact hours
  • 4 hours of self-paced reading assignments

Note: This Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Training will be presented in English.


We are offering 5 scholarships for individuals working as peers within mental health, Minority Ethnicity, Black, Asian, LGBTQ+ communities. For inquiries, please contact Esther at esther@traumasensitiveyoganederland.com.

Bonuses for Personal Development

  • Earn CPD hours for IAYT members and allied health professionals
  • Receive 20 Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Hours
  • Gain points for VakTherapist in the Netherlands
  • Points for members of Verening Yoga Nederland
  • Access to TCTSY practice videos from co-founders David Emerson and Jenn Turner
  • Access to presentation slides with links to relevant resources

This training is also the primary prerequisite to our yearly 300-hour Certification Program in TCTSY.


The Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Training is organized and facilitated by Esther van der Sande, the certified TCTSY Trainer in the Benelux region.

Our online training offers the same content as our in-person Trauma-Sensitive Yoga foundational training. You will receive the same valuable knowledge and insights but in a flexible online environment. This allows you to participate from the comfort of your own home while still benefiting from high-quality content.

More Information

For more details or specific questions regarding the Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Training, please contact Esther via email at esther@traumasensitiveyoganederland.com or by WhatsApp at +31 (0)6 1148 5057.


Ik had mijn twijfels over het volgen van een intensieve cursus als deze via Zoom, toch was het voor mij een hele fijne ervaring, misschien wel beter dan het face to face had kunnen zijn. Door het onderwerp worden ook eigen onverwerkte trauma’s aangeraakt, het voelde voor mij veilig om deze cursus – op dit moment in mijn leven – vanuit mijn eigen huis te volgen. Ondanks dat de sessie online was, voelde je de verbinding met elkaar. De stof werd helder onderwezen en de medecursisten kwamen van alle uithoeken van de wereld, dit maakte de Zoom ervaring nog waardevoller. Culturele (trauma) thema’s kwamen hierdoor tot leven.

Dankjewel voor de warme, leerzame ervaring.
~Lianne, September 2024

I had my doubts about taking such an intensive course via Zoom, yet it turned out to be a wonderful experience for me—perhaps even better than it could have been face-to-face. Given the nature of the subject, it brought up some of my own unresolved trauma, and it felt safe for me to follow this course—at this time in my life—from the comfort of my own home. Even though the sessions were online, you could truly feel the connection between everyone. The material was taught clearly, and the participants came from all corners of the world, which made the Zoom experience even more valuable. Cultural (trauma) themes really came to life because of this diversity.

Thank you for the warm and enriching experience.
~Lianne, September 2024

I am incredibly glad I attended this Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Training. It has made very clear to me the emphasis of what TCTSY is about and has given me concrete tools to work with in my practice. I also find the fact that it is applicable in daily life a real added value. It is, in my eyes, a philosophy of life, more than a stand-alone way of yoga.
Silvia Rossel, Belgium, 2024

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Start your journey today by enrolling in our Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Training. Together, we’ll build a strong foundation for healing and transformation.


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