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Terug in je kracht met Trauma Sensitive Yoga

“Trauma sensitive yoga is specifiek ontwikkeld voor mensen met een posttraumatische stressstoornis of mensen met een zogenaamd ontwikkelings- en complex trauma als gevolg van langdurige blootstelling aan traumatische ervaringen binnen het gezin of binnen een relatie”, vertelt Esther, oorspronkelijk counselor en psychotherapeut, gedreven. “Zij krijgen op een bepaald moment in hun leven vaak last van [...]

PTSD – The Definition of a Traumatic Event and How to Recognize the Signs

People often use the word "traumatic" in a general sense when they are describing very stressful life events. For example, the American Psychological Association (APA) defines "trauma" as a person's emotional response to an extremely negative (disturbing) event. However, mental health professionals define traumatic events in very specific ways. The guidelines they use have changed [...]

3 Key Factors in Healthy Relationships The main question you are asking your partner

By Jenev Caddell, PsyD Dr. Sue Johnson, clinical psychologist and creator of emotionally focused therapy (EFT) for couples, has found three key factors that relationships must have in order to be truly healthy. She notes that when couples are arguing with each other, and it is one of those blood-boiling kinds of arguments, it's not really about the dishes, [...]

Yoga is not just bending the body

Patanjali's regimen, at times, corresponds to the idea of 'self-actualisation" in psychotherapy India’s ancient tradition Yoga has become a multimillion-dollar industry in the past few decades and taking a path of its own, under many different names, brands, meanings; it’s hard not to feel some resentment towards the trends that take yoga out of its [...]

Trauma-Sensitive Yoga

Trauma Sensitive Yoga Classes It's no secret that yoga does wonders for the body and can calm the mind. And research continues to point to its power to help ameliorate various ailments such as hypertension, pain, and insomnia. Now, there's growing evidence that modified yoga, when taught by specially trained individuals and employed [...]

Adverse Childhood Experience

This video highlights that community education on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) will result in more help and support for families. Our video character states that – “even if it is not enough” – support can radically change outcomes for children growing up with ACEs.   https://vimeo.com/189604325 What are ACEs? ACEs are adverse childhood experiences that [...]

Never Give Up: A Video by Youth for Youth

This gripping film features a highly diverse cast of seven adolescents and young adults who examine the shared and unique challenges faced, mistakes made, and growth attained in the struggle to transcend legacies of developmental trauma. Unexpectedly insightful, unsentimentally poignant and always real, Never Give Up is an offering of collective wisdom, inspiration and hope [...]

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